
I feel my head swirl between my pig tails. I'm still trying to find my way in this big world of photography. So many opportunities, goals, desires, and responsibilities are in front of me. This year feels fast. I don't know what I mean by that and if it's good or bad. All I know is that this year feels fast. As I breathe and pause for a minute, I wonder, what roads I will take this summer, this year? What is coming my way? Who am I now and what will I be? ummm....spring


  1. as soon as you stop trying to find your way, you might as well stop photographing...that's the good stuff, girl. asking, pushing, trying, learning. looking ahead. it's going to be a creative summer...i can feel it!

  2. Thanks girl, let see if you still feel it after today's training, haahaa

  3. i don't even have pigtails and i know how you feel...can't wait to see what radness you get into next...

  4. I don't know where exactly you're going my friend, but hopefully it involves at least one stop drop and roll in the parking lot behind the Missoula Public library.

    Also, when it comes to going, I think Dan Eldon says it well... "the journey is the destination"

  5. @Chad, you just gave me a project idea....hummm...lets see if happens...remind me

    I do love a good journey, thanks FW


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